Tuesday, November 9, 2010

At Last

They came back at last and I was glad.

This is me at the park this morning so things are pretty much back to normal.
I did not do any bad stuff when they were away.
Mike was kind to me and Elly and George and I saw Knutty a lot.

 This me with a tennis ball in my mouth and a garbage can growing out of my head.
Ha ha.

This is a picture of an olden-days rabbit that is about to be eaten by a big bird.
I knew bad stuff happened in the olden days.

 That is when the lion killed the man and took his head off and made him spit out water all the time.
That is in Florence where they went.

This is a dog they talked to when they could not talk to me.

These are two dogs; one is old and one is young.

I am now going to have my nap.



  1. Yea !
    They are back... everything is back to normal.
    Love the travel photos, I think you would like Florence. It looked like they had good good dogs there too.

    woof, Watson and Hamish
    cheers, parsnip

  2. Those are some pretty scary statues--- I mean artworks!

  3. While there were wonderful dogs to behold from Italy, none compares to you, Buster. Glad they are back.

  4. Oh Buster I bet you thought they were never coming back! We missed you and them. And now things are back to a chilly normal... I heard snow flurries yesterday? How do you feel about snow?

  5. Glad your people found there way back home, Buster. Sam likes tennis balls but he always eats the covers off within an hour of getting a new one. When his dad mows the yard he finds all sorts of naked tennis balls......the hard way!

  6. Hi Buster. Glad you are glad to have Mum and Dad home. Burrr, its getting cold!

  7. Hey Buster! I'm so glad your parents made it back safe and sound. It looks like they went to some interesting places. They even saw a wire haired doxie while away.....very cool!

  8. You must be very happy they are back!
    Sure they had a pawesome trip... and those are scary sculptures!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  9. Buster, I loved seeing these pictures and reading your comments, but wish to have seen the picture of your greeting when They actually got back.

    Isn't the weather cold all of a sudden? Did you see the sleet on Monday morning?

    Best wishes.

  10. Buster,
    I love your blog :)
    Really interesting and entertaining. Best wishes!

  11. Buster-

    I am so glad that they are home again! Now life can get back to normal - centering on you, of course!

  12. Hi Buster!! Here is your Christmastree last year


    I'm locking for trees all over the world!

    Greetings from Germany and from Biene and Mexi!!

  13. I bet they are so happy to be home with you!!

    you look very royal and lion like on your rock, I would not wear the garbage can though - it takes away from your good looks

    kiss your parents a lot :)

  14. Ozzy The Poodle In Pa.November 11, 2010 at 5:11 AM

    Looks like seeing all those other dogs made your parents miss you all the more. Glad you finally have them back. I like the spitting head.

  15. Buster, I don't blame you I wanna take a nap too, but I'm wondering why you didn't want to share the tennis ball?

  16. I also have to get my "dog fix" vicariously
    through other dogs when away..

    Glad Buster 's routine is back to normal.

  17. We haven't visited in a while, but it's been fun catching up. Our mom's been busy, not traveling to scary statueland, so thanks for sharing your human's photos with us.
