Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Balloon and Knut comes Over

Mum and me found this balloon on the street.

It is pumpkin colored.

I took it in my bed to look at it better. 
That is where I take my important stuff.

I pulled and pulled.
Then it went BANG.

Then Knut came over and we played for a bit.
I showed him my bee costume that is for Halloween.

This is Knut looking to make sure I'm not sneaking
 up on him when he is eating his carrot.

You can see my bee costume better in this picture.

Then Knut went home.

ps: tomorrow is our dog party at the outdoor dog run (8-10 am 23rd St and 11th Avenue, NY)
If you are a dog, you are invited
Benny is being a biker.
Gomez is being a baked potato.


  1. Loved the balloon investigation you did Buster! Gee, I sure hope your Mum can lots of pictures of the Dog Party. (Dog as Bee; Dog as Potato; Dog as Biker) It sounds as if a lot of Dogs have gotten very creative for this event. Wish I could be there. Hi to Knut. What is he going to be?

  2. Gomez is a baked potato! LOL!!!!!! Love the bee costume, Buster!

  3. Oh Buster,
    I just LOVE your balloon pix - they are really pieces of art; very nice shots.
    Mum was also enthusiastic about them.
    Fritz, the dog who lived with mum before me, was very afraid of balloons...
    bedtime in Europe now,
    Good Night
    Gizmo and mum

  4. I can't wait to see the pictures from your party-sounds like a great time!

  5. It has taken a while for my person to quit laughing so much and saying AWWW. She really likes your pictures - I do too but balloons scare me- you are so brave to bite one! WOW!I like you better than bees- you should be SUPER DOG and wear a cape that would make you fly, that would really impress Apple...
    Knut eats CARROTS, can't kill bears eating carrots...

  6. LOL! What a costume. Your party sounds like it'll be fun.


  7. Your bee costume is fantastic... hope you have a great party tomorrow. I wish I can come and join you.

    Licks, hero

  8. You make a very cute bee Buster!! I am going to be a squirrel...


  9. Uh oh..

    What if some dog comes as fatty???

  10. You lead such a bee-sy life, Buster.
    Your costume is just perfect!

  11. my grand daughter is going to be a bee too Buster!! How cool is that?

    I bet you're having a great time at the party

    Happy Halloween

  12. Buster,

    Sorry to hear about your baloon. My friends who are economists always tell me that inflation has uncertain benefits. I guess you now know that first-hand.

  13. That balloon looks like it was a lot of fun. I like ballons too but can't have them because the cats are afraid of them - they aren't brave like you!

    I hope your mom is taking pictures of the party! I really want to see Gomez as a baked potato!

  14. Love your bee costume, Buster!
    Would be great if Flora will be there at the party...

  15. Buster, listen carefully. Tell your mother it is very very very important that she take and post many many good pictures of you in your bee costume. Here at our house, we are hoping this is just a teaser, and that we will be getting the complete show seeing you from all angles in your costume after the big party.

    Have fun, eat alot of treats, do alot of tricks, but do not forget your very important message for your mother.

  16. Gomez...a baked potato??!! hahaha... that is hilarious! Be sure your mum takes lots of photos at the party Buster. YOU are the sweeted bumble bee around! :o) ((HUGS))

  17. Gomez...a baked potato??!! That is hilarious! Be sure your mum takes lots of photos at the party, Buster. You are the sweetest bumble bee around. Happy Halloween ((HUGS))

  18. Did that balloon bang scare you? I woulda jumped clear outta my skin. Buster, you are so cute when you are all wet. I can't wait to see more photos of your costume.
