To start off with....
some spooky pictures for you.
Knutty and me walked past a haunted house
This is us wondering about it, or else we are wondering if we will get a treat.
Mum likes this picture of my noble profile and some pumpkins.
This is me by another haunted house but you can only see my tail.
Charlotte was a sheep at the party. Mum said she was a wolf in sheep's clothing. I do not think Charlotte is a bit like a wolf, or anyway not very much.
Then she got the head bit off and was happier.
I had to wear my stupid ears again. In my shadow I look like the wolf that Charlotte isn't.
Then Biggie wore them but he did not like them much either.
Samson was an Asian dumpling with noodles and chop sticks.
So was Lily.
Charlotte Maude was a box of cakes except we are looking at the leaves.
Baxter's family said he was Ernest Hemingway but I do not know how you can tell that.
Gomez wasn't anything this year since we had
a snow storm yesterday and they did not have time to make him anything.
In my shadow this time I look like a deer. Maybe.
When I got home Dad put my ears on. I am glad I do not have to wear them anymore.
I hope you have a
and that they do not make you wear a costume too much.
ps. from Elizabeth
If any of Buster's blogpals family send him a halloween photo, he will feature him/her in a post soon.