This is my friend Gomez. He was a baked potato for Halloween.
Guess what?

This is Maximus. He is like Gomez but very little.
He should be called Minimus. Haha! I made a joke.
He comes to play with us too.

This is Fritz. He is old. When it is cold he wears all sorts of clothes.
His mum made his hat. I am lucky. My mum does not knit much.

This is a new puppy at our park. I cannot remember his name.
Mr. Boo, I think. I will let you know.

This is my friend Bruno behind the bench.

Now he is trying to bite Benny's ear.

They have still got decorations up at the butcher's shop.
I wanted to go in, but I was not allowed.
I hope you are well.
ps. I have been nominated for "Excellence in Pet Blogging". I do not know why.
Maybe if you vote for me, I will get a prize. Maybe the prize will be something to eat.
Mum says lots of the blogs on my sidebar are better than mine, and I am not to get too
stuck on myself.
Thank you from Buster.