Monday, June 14, 2010

I Go On A Visit

I went in the car to Tappan. Then we went for a walk and there was grass to play on.

This is Professor Joba inspecting the grass.

Then we ran round a lot.

You can tell this because our tongues are hanging out.

Then we played with Henry for a while. I think he was pleased to see me.

I helped him play in his bouncy thing off the door.
The next day we went home in the car.

I hope you had a good weekend too.




In reply to some people who have written to me.
I was not sick in the car! That is because I am now grown up.

Professor Joba is on leave from the Cern Institute where he heads a team studying Sub Nuclear Manifestations. He is currently doing dog activities like barking at the mailman and stuff.

Yes, Dexter, I know it! Now there is Henry, me and Joba 's stars do not shine as bright.
We lick him anyway.


  1. These particular rufflections give a good start to the week, Buster. Such a nice weekend– –the outdoors, your thoughtful friend Joba, and that wonderful picture of Henry who is so (understandably) fascinated by you.

  2. Ozzy The Poodle In Penna.June 14, 2010 at 6:05 AM

    Looks like little Henry had his tongue out too! Did you outgrow getting sick on the long car rides yet?
    Sounds like you had a swell weekend!

  3. Did Henry run around a lot too? His tongue is hanging out like yours and Joba's.

  4. Hi Buster!

    What does Professor Joba teach?

  5. Hi Buster,
    Sounds you had a great time!
    I agree with your friends, looks Henry run around too! LOL!

    And Henry looks BEAUTIFUL! His eyes are GORGEOUS!

  6. I wonder how much real grass

    a NYC dog gets...

    glad you liked it.

  7. Buster, I really like all the photos in this post.

    I think that you had fun running around in the grass with Joba.

    Henry is marvelous. You are pretty lucky to be his uncle.

    Hoping that you will get a chance to have a lot of running uptown in Central Park. You would take lots of memories home with you.

    The trick is ... how are you going to get up there to where all that grass, and trees, and flowers and ... squirrels and birds and other dogs are?

    It's not yet officially summer, so perhaps this will be the summer that you get this chance.

    Best wishes.

  8. My person is all gooey over that Henry baby...I think that I might like him a little, but not as much as my silly person who is making all sorts of cooing sounds...ick.

  9. Henry is so beautiful and adorable... did you get to sniff and lick him, Buster? Professor Joba must have missed you the next day.

    Licks, hero

  10. Your star shines bright for me Buster! And Henry's ok too!

  11. LOL! Glad you had a good time.


  12. Buster, looks like you had a good time.

  13. my cats have a Henry of their own hanging about
    they call her the infiltrator as she invaded their kingdom

    they are not as nice about it as your are Buster

    when Henry gets a bit older and is walking your and the Professor will be his brightest lights and best friends

    plus I am certain the adults still adore both of you it's just that something happens to people around babies - it's like they're hypnotized
